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ATTENTION: Up and coming Internet marketers who want bigger lists, more traffic and more buyers for your products... you're about to get your big break:

Better than Article Marketing?
Find out How You Can Get your Message Directly In Front of your Potential Customers.

You're about to discover a marketing strategy that's:
  • super simple and fun to do
  • able to give you immediate results
  • profitable for months (even years)
From the desk of: Nicole Dean
Subject: Rock Star Marketing for Infoproduct Sellers & Authors

In the summer of 2009, I made like a rock star and went on a world tour. 

Not a concert tour, mind you. But a BLOG world tour.

In a span of 15 weeks, I visited one blog each week as a guest expert. I thought it was a good idea when it popped into my mind. But after the dust settled and I caught my breath, the results were even better than I expected:
  • I made 15 new joint venture partners (who also became my friends)
  • My websites got incoming links from 15 different blogs (which were very relevant to mine, so these were very "juicy" links from Google's point of view)
  • My website, products and services were publicized in at least 15 different newsletters and ezines (and I didn't have to pay a penny for advertising)
  • My sites got fresh traffic from 15 relevant blogs (and my new visitors already liked me when they arrived)
  • My posts were spread around in Twitter and Facebook and StumbleUpon for weeks (and I was but one of many people spreading them around these active social media sites)
  • I had 15 very highly-motivated affiliates promoting my products (I saw a bump in the sales of my products, and I was more than happy to share the profits with them)
That's when it dawned on me that what I just did was an easy, fun and effective way for rising Internet marketers to turbo-charge their success and become rock stars in their own niches.

And so I decided to share my Blog World Tour strategy with you.

You Can Stop Waiting In The Side Lines Now.

I know from experience that the so-called Internet marketing lifestyle is truly fun, fulfilling and profitable. I've been living it since 2004.

Which is why I also know that it takes time and a lot of hard work to get to that point where you can work just a couple of hours a day and still make more money than you've ever made.

You're probably not quite there yet yourself...
... you're seeing some results in your online business - but it's not quite enough for you to say you've arrived
... you're still working your butt off - way more than you want to
... you feel like you're watching the star players from the side lines - wondering when you'll be good enough to be on the A team
... you know "it" will happen for you, too, someday - and you wish it would be sooner rather than later
If any of this describes you, well then a Blog World Tour is perfect for you!
You don't have to be a well-known authority, expert or guru in your niche.

You don't have to have a huge list.

You don't have to have a site with a gazillion unique visitors a day.

You do have to be willing to put in some work for a limited period of time to achieve rock star status in your niche.
(Gasp! Did I just say "work"? Yes, these aren't magic beans, silly. You still have to actually DO something to get results. But you can do it - I'll show you how!)

The American Idol Guide To Making Money Online 

Do you watch American Idol?

See how they take a group of talented but yet undiscovered performers and tour them around the country?
Why do they do this? Well, during the tour, they:
  • get tons of publicity
  • build an ever growing base of rabid, screaming fans
  • sell more of their albums
  • get the attention of other producers for future projects
All this happens because the tour itself builds excitement about the performers. Plus, it brings them right where their potential fans are.

That's why American Idol inspired me to do a Blog World Tour. In the same way that a concert tour boosts a performer's popularity and earnings, a Blog World Tour can take you from "undiscovered" to "celebrity".

A Blog World Tour is a special event - it creates buzz around you, your blog and the blogs you visit.

And it puts you in front of readers you wouldn't normally reach.

Here's the best part: In a concert tour, everybody wins. The towns or cities where the tour stops are thrilled to have new celebrities in their backyard. And all that added publicity and people traffic means more business for them as well.

It's the same thing with a Blog World Tour. The blogs in your tour will also get more traffic, more subscribers and more sales.

See how cool this idea is?

Just One Blog World Tour Will Catapult You To Rock Star Status -
And Provide Passive Income For Months (Even Years) To Come

Imagine doing the work once and then...
 transforming your competitors into allies
 driving traffic from your allies (formerly known as "competitors") into your own money sites
 seeing links to your blog posts posted and retweeted on Twitter and Facebook (you've gone viral, baby!)
 stuffing your lists with loyal fans who can't wait to buy from you
 skyrocketing your sales and paying lots of affiliate commissions
Oh, and I almost forgot: After a Blog World Tour, you'll have enough content to churn out special reports, eBooks, audio courses, marketing and educational videos, coaching materials, membership site content, and home study courses... You're all set to build an infoproduct empire!

If this idea excites you, then I'm here for you.

I've put together The Blog World Tour Planner so you can easily organize your own. This will work for you, whatever niche you're in, as long as there's a healthy community of bloggers in your niche (hmmm... is there a niche that doesn't?).

In the time it takes you to read The Blog World Tour Planner, you'll discover:
  how to find blogs to tour - and how to avoid the #1 mistake that most guest bloggers make when finding and choosing blogs (page 19)
  ways to approach bloggers so they'll drool over letting you take over their blog for a few days (page 25)  techniques for getting topic ideas for your blog tour (page 31 plus special added bonus report)
  what to do if you don't want to, or don't have the time or talent to write (page 28)
  productivity tips to help you get everything done on time (page 32)
...and more!
The Blog World Tour Planner is a step-by-step guide. I haven't left any details out, because I want you to have your own successful Blog World Tour.

You might be wondering...

Shouldn't I just Submit My Articles to EzineArticles.com?
Yes, I'm a huge proponent of Article Marketing. In fact, I co-created a course about Article Marketing back in 2005. You should certainly use EzineArticles.com and other article marketing directories, but, my method will get your message directly in front of your target audience, in essense, cutting out the middle man.
Article directories are not dead. However, you shouldn't submit your articles and just hope that a publisher finds them, especially when you can go directly to the publishers yourself.

Isn't this just guest blogging?
It's similar to guest blogging, but it's more like guest blogging on steroids!
The intensity and laser-like focus of this strategy set a Blog World Tour apart from mere guest blogging. Even though you may have been a guest blogger in the past, this guide will give you insight into how to make that more effective (and how to avoid costly mistakes) as well.
But I can't (or don't want to) write!

The truth is, a Blog World Tour is much easier to do if you enjoy writing. I won't lie to you. However, in case you don't want to or don't have the time to write every single blog post, then I address that issue in the planner as well. See page 28.

Is this right for me?

If you have at least one infoproduct and an affiliate program - even a bare-bones one - then a Blog World Tour will bring you spectacular results. But if you're completely satisfied with the amount of passive income you're making, then you probably don't need this (so why are you still reading this huh?).

But what if other bloggers see me as a competitor?

You'll turn them into partners. Believe me, they'll be happily promoting your products in their blogs. I show you how to approach bloggers and offer a win-win arrangement in page _ of the planner.

Isn't this just too hard?

Let's see... while I was having my Blog World Tour, I took vacations and attended conferences. Not to mention kept my kids entertained at home, took care of hubby, ran my household, managed Jimmy D. Brown's affiliate program, and ran my other online businesses. I worked on "the tour" for about 20 minutes per day for 15 weeks. I'll show you how I did it so you can too.

Besides, the Blog World Tour can be scaled up or down, depending on how much time and energy you have available (But not money. No money is involved whatsoever).
In fact, I'll show you different models depending on whether you've got an event that you're trying to promote, a book launch or product launch that you need to create buzz for, or whether you've already launched a product and want to get some momentum for it. You can arrange the schedule based upon the options that will benefit you the most.

But you know what, ultimately, only you can determine what's "too hard" for you.
You know what's I think is too hard? Sitting day after day hoping for more traffic and sales, but not knowing how to get them. Here you've got a solid plan that, when followed, will generate more leads and traffic to your sales page.
